It's 0 degrees out and our house is cold again. Heater's not broken, just can't handle this size of a house and this cold of weather. Ruby doesn't even act like she notices. Noel and I tried to cuddle with her under the covers but she wanted out in the cold to be propped up and look around! Who knows, maybe she'll love the cold and snow and be a skier or bobsledder or something like that! So this is the uniform for the day. Oh yeah, we have a space heater and with that aimed right at us, it's plenty warm. Poppy will just have to suffer when he gets home this evening! Ha! This is Ruby in her swing while I was slicing up a loaf of bread in order to make a sandwich for Poppy's lunch.

P.S. This time we will tough it out instead of paying some
doofus $130 to come out and try to sell me another unit!