Ruby is 7 months old today! My how the time flies. She has been eating some solid food. She does everything she was doing last month, but she does it so much better. I think she'll be crawling soon. She rocks back and forth on her hands and knees. She gets mad and stiffens up and throws herself back! ha! I used to be able to lay her down with toys in the bathroom floor when I took a bath, but now she gets so excited when I run the bath water and she gets so mad when I don't bring her in with me! So she gets her way and gets a bath. Then she gets upset when it's time to get out. I may never get to bathe alone again! She yells and babbles from the second she wakes up. She likes to get down in the floor and play- her favorite toy is a spoon. She loves to drink water from a cup and sometimes we don't even spill. If you ask me, I'll say she is darn near perfect!
PS On a disappointing note, I took so many pictures today and some were really good -including a priceless shot of Ruby and Felix. However, all mysteriously disappeared from the camera card except this one. I don't have it in me to take more just yet.
Lydia loves taking showers and baths with me and her daddy...so I know how you feel with the never bathing alone..sometimes I let her start with me then Mark will come and get her to dry off and get her pj's on and I will soak for a few extra minutes.
Sounds like you've got a water baby on your hands!! She's gorgeous and so is that dress!
love all the pics - she is too cute!
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