Friday, January 30, 2009
It's been too long
I know I was going to do better at my blogging. Last night we took some great pictures of Ruby and I got on here to blog. Well for some reason my camera card ate the pictures. They were really great pictures too so I am pretty POed about it. I am going to try and recreate the pictures this weekend.

Monday, January 26, 2009
Ruby Blue Eyes
Friday, January 23, 2009
Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Yay Water!
We now have water! Yay! I'm going to run the water for no reason! Just kidding! My mom is on her way to help me with the cleaning that has piled up for five days!
Ruby says Yay!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Still no water
Ugh, I am miserable without water. Guys were supposed to be here today to fix the problem but you know how that goes. The house is a wreck with laundry and dirty dishes. Ruby is doing well though.

Monday, January 19, 2009
3 Months Old
Today Ruby is three months old. Time is flying by. She smiles and laughs all the time. She loved the ceiling fan last week but is now over it. She weighs 14.5 lbs. and is 24 inches long. She talks all the time like her Poppy. She holds herself up so well in her bumbo and sucks on her hands A LOT! She is her own little person and has no problem letting us know what she wants! We couldn't have asked for a sweeter little girl and we love her so much!

Sunday, January 18, 2009
No Water
Still no water here at the DeHaven Lodge and Inn. We grabbed showers at my uncle's house today, so at least we're clean. We also filled up some water tanks. The fun part is bailing the water out of the cistern with a plastic container tied to a rope so we can flush the toilets. Nice.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
What a day!

Right now we are waiting on the heat repair person. Turns out the furnace is not really heating all that well. Also, we have no water. Frozen I guess. As long as Ruby is OK it'll be fine, but it's a little uncomfortable around here. My parents are down here visiting. HaHa! Good time for them to visit ;)
Friday, January 16, 2009
Baby it's cold inside too!

Update: I broke down and turned on the auxiliary heat. It's much warmer now.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Baby it's cold outside!
I just realized that I haven't been out of this house in two days! Really it's too cold to fool with taking the Rubester out if I don't have to. It's not like I don't have plenty that needs doing around here! Mmmm, I made some beef stew that smells so good and I can't wait for Noel to get home so I can eat it!
Why is it that babies in grown up hats are so darn cute!?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
On the Fritz
Our dryer is on the fritz. Life is kind of rough without it. I have clothes hanging everywhere! My Dad will probably come down and take a look at it for us because to have a repairman come out would probably cost more than the thing is worth!
My favorite pic of me and Ruby, mainly because you can't see my double chin ;)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Umm, let's just reschedule
Today we went to the doctor for shots. We arrived at 11:30 and walked into a packed waiting room--and not to be mean but it was packed with some seriously unsavory characters. The only seat left was beside a guy with some prison tats on his face. They were an hour and fifteen minutes behind taking people back to the exam rooms. And I know what the wait can be when you make it to an exam room. We decided to reschedule.

Monday, January 12, 2009
All the Rage
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Big Blow Out at the Mexican Restaurant!
We went out to Mexican last night and just the smell of the food made Ruby have a big time blow out! Biggest so far. So Ruby and I went out to the car to change and we did not have the wipes. I had to clean her up with a blanket! I had to lay her on a blanket too. So there were two messy blankets and an outfit that was pretty nasty! haha! Also the spare clothes I had for her were WAY too big. But anyway, we got all cleaned up and went back inside and everyone was done with their meals, so I got a to go box and we all went home. Don't take this story to mean that I minded one bit, anything she needs is OK with me. It's just funny!
Ruby with Noel's dad, Papa.

Saturday, January 10, 2009
Sweetie Nathan

Last weekend we paid a visit to Jeff, Deena, and Nathan. Nathan is the sweetest little boy and is full of hugs and kisses. One funny thing is that Nathan kept bringing in this strainer to play with and Noel was putting it on his head, similar to Johnny Appleseed. Anyway, we had a really good time and I can only hope that Ruby is as good natured as Nathan when she's his age.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Staying at Home
As of the end of the year I am officially a stay at home mom. I am enjoying my time with Ruby, but staying at home is no cake walk either. There is this feeling that because you have the "luxury" of staying home then you should be trying to do housework every second you can. This may end up being more work then working outside of the home. I know it's totally worth it. I want to send a thank you out to Poppy for bringing home the $ for us!
This is Ruby with Noel's mom. I think we're going to call her Meemaw. Doesn't Ruby look so peaceful? And big too!

Thursday, January 8, 2009
New Years Resolution
I know I have been a bad blogger so I vowed to get back on the horse once everything calmed down. I hope I haven't lost all my viewers!
This is Ruby in the morning. She has some bad hair. Ha! I imagine she's thinking, "Give it a rest Pop!"
Today I baked a loaf of bread and it turned out delicious. Funny thing, this recipe called for putting the yeast in the water and letting it foam for 10 minutes. Worked like a charm. Best loaf I've gotten. Confession: I use a bread machine :)

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