Sunday, January 11, 2009
Big Blow Out at the Mexican Restaurant!
We went out to Mexican last night and just the smell of the food made Ruby have a big time blow out! Biggest so far. So Ruby and I went out to the car to change and we did not have the wipes. I had to clean her up with a blanket! I had to lay her on a blanket too. So there were two messy blankets and an outfit that was pretty nasty! haha! Also the spare clothes I had for her were WAY too big. But anyway, we got all cleaned up and went back inside and everyone was done with their meals, so I got a to go box and we all went home. Don't take this story to mean that I minded one bit, anything she needs is OK with me. It's just funny!
Ruby with Noel's dad, Papa.

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Ha Ha. We had a similar experience at Target a few weeks ago.
That's too funny! Get used to it though, the blowouts can happen anytime, anywhere!!
I feel your pain on forgetting the wipes. The day after New Year's we ventured to my Granny's in Princeton, and it was only after we had pulled into her driveway we realized that Jeff forgot to grab his diaper bag!! Fortunately, we had some diapers and wipes in the car!
Mexican always did that to Oliver too.
After a few too many situations like that we keep an emergency box in the car with extra wipes diapers and outfits for everyone (including me and Bob)
oh yea..this happened at Barnes and Noble the other day...i had learned and had extra wipes in the car..but they were completely FROZEN...motherhood..congrats on staying at home.
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