Thursday, May 8, 2008

17 Weeks!

How your baby's growing:Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip) and she's around 5 inches long. She can move her joints, and her skeleton — until now rubbery cartilage — is starting to harden to bone. Her sense of hearing is also developing. The umbilical cord, her lifeline to the placenta, is growing stronger and thicker.

How your life's changing:With more weight up high and out in front of your body, you may feel a bit off-balance as you walk around. Store away your high heels and wear low-heeled shoes to reduce your risk of taking a tumble.You're likely to feel protective of your tummy, and that's good. Trauma to your abdomen could be harmful to your baby and dangerous to you, so be sure to buckle up when you're driving. Keep the lap portion of the seat belt under your belly and very snug across your hips for maximum protection.

On another note, I'm in Elkins tonight. We had public comment hearings yesterday about a wind turbine project in Barbour and Randolph counties. We had rooms booked at the Holiday Inn, the nicest chain place to stay between Philippi and Elkins, but the reservation got messed up and we had no room. So now I am at the Super 8 Motel. One word--GROSS! I walked into my room and the smell of BO just about knocked me over. I opened the window and let it air out while I was at the second hearing but I couldn't leave it open because we are right on a busy road. I guess there is one perk, I do have wireless internet. I'm not used to such shabby accomodations. I haven't stayed anywhere like this in a long long time and this stay will do me for the rest of my life.

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