Aren't these the cutest things you've ever seen? I saw them and I couldn't resist, but they cost a little bit of nothing. I've only bought two things so far, these booties and a used Bjorn from a friend, but somehow my husband thinks I'm buying everything in sight and must be stopped. I think it's his attitude that must be stopped!
I agree with Hubby on this one. Your spending habits go way back when you still had your hands in daddy's wallet.
Those are ADORABLE!!!! And I beg to differ on the spending! HAHA! What's his is yours, and what's yours is yours!!!
Those are too cute!!! Tell Noel to be quite, you have to be able to buy stuff when you see it. Just wait, the little purchases here and there become much more frequent and start costing more then a "little bit of nothing" as you get further along- TRUST ME!!
I think they are great! Comments like that will only little purchaces re-appear as "something we got at the shower...don't you remember"
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