I ordered this sign for Noel and got it in the mail at the end of last week. I made Noel wait for me to get home to open it because I wanted to see the look on his face when he saw it. It was priceless. He got all bleary eyed and was seriously close to tears. Thanks to Kim for turning me on to Etsy. What a wonderful hand painted product and it was shipped and packed so nicely.
In related news, Noel keeps going on and on that he wants to be called Pop. I honestly think he is doing this only to drive me crazy. When he starts his whining I say, "What do you think this is Sanford and Son? Why don't we name her Lamont?"
Tomorrow we have our first childbirth class. I'll be sure to let everyone know how it goes!
What a sweet sign!! I hope your child birth class was better then ours, I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I'm not sure that we got it.
LOOOVE the sign. It turned out awesome!
Love that sign!!
I'm sure Noel will change his mind about 'Pop' when he hears Ruby start babbling 'Da Da Da Da.' He'll want it changed back to Dad, then. LOL
Kim got me addicted to etsy, also. I've gotten some really cute personalized things for Jordan from there. I love the sign. We skipped childbirth class and only did the hospital tour, so I'm curious to see how it went for you guys. I hope it went well.
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