Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Merely an Update

This morning I was walking into work and I'm looking down at my belly, as I most always do these days, and see that it is severely lopsided! Ha! The baby has taken to mostly laying on the right side and you sure could tell it this morning. And did I mention, this baby has dropped. My stomach looks so different now. It used to be that my chest rested right on my belly but there is a considerable gap now.

I have been trying to get everything ready at work in case the big day comes early. It's hard preparing everything so other people can know what's going on with your cases when you're gone. Thankfully, my boss has been very understanding and has worked with me so I don't have that many to leave half done.

This past weekend I think something was going on. I had back pain (which is a new one), abdominal cramps, indigestion, nausea, and the feeling like I had to go to the bathroom (#2) all the time (I know, I know--too much info). Oh yeah, and the Braxton Hicks kicked up a notch. All of these symptoms were mild to moderate and I didn't feel sick like I had an illness so I was not concerned about health or anything. I would love it if the baby would come sooner rather than later, especially since the doc thinks she is 7 lbs. I've been working on the home remedies, such as spicy food, pineapple, and walking. I tried some Cesar salad this weekend but unfortunately got sick, and I need to try some eggplant parmesan. I guess I'll know tomorrow whether or not I've dilated further!

Today at lunch I walked to the Post Office. Shoo. It's not very far away but that's all I had in me. My pubic bone was aching terribly when I got back to the office and I couldn't wait to sit down and eat some lunch. Of course I had to pee first thing. I won't miss the constant peeing that's for sure.

Also, I plan to host Thanksgiving again this year. People think I am crazy but honestly I love to do it. Here's a picture from Christmas dinner a couple of years ago (I think). Notice Felix, he had his own chair throughout the entire meal. Man, I love that cat.


Jenny said...

Better get your bags packed!! I had those same symptoms not too long before Jackson made his debut. Good luck!!!

Paula said...

those symptoms from the weekend sound very very promising..i hope you are ready!!!

Katie said...

After meeting Felix at your shower, I can definitely understand him commanding his own chair for a holiday meal. I agree with Jenny that it sounds like your symptoms are pointing toward labor starting soon. Let us know what you found out from the doc. Good luck!