My parents came to visit this weekend and brought us this awesome cradle. Dad made it with Mom's assistance (the assistant role is very important). Believe it or not, this cradle started out as Walnut trees in the front yard of my parents' house. Mom and Dad took the trees from the yard to this finished product by themselves. What I mean is, no sending away to have the wood planed or anything like that. Mom made the pad in the crib from scratch too. It is firm foam with a waterproof cover then covered with fabric that velcroes at the end so it can be taken off to wash. I was very particular in telling her the fabric had to be taught and the foam firm and she sure did a good job! They even made a wooden wheel on the back behind the hood so the cradle can be moved easily from one room to another (Dad used a trick he learned from Norm on the Old Yankee Workshop). This is a family heirloom for sure and Noel thinks our kids will be fighting over who gets to keep it. Noel thinks Mom and Dad should make one for each child! haha That's a tall order, good luck. Oh yeah, and the wood is not stained, that's its natural color! Ruby is one lucky baby!
Oh my goodness! That is beautiful! Noel is right, that is definitely something that will be passed on for generations.
That is beautiful!!! So very nice, your kids will definitely be fighting over it, but I think Ruby has rights of first refusal since technically it was made for her.
wow, that is beautiful
i just realized from reading this post that the cradle wasn't stained! WOW! Pretty impressive Carl! And that pad is pretty sweet too!
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