What a tumultuous week this has been. I don't think any more could have went wrong if we tried. On Tuesday night Noel was trying to run cable to our greatroom and he went down to the basement. Well, we have these pressurized water holding tanks because we have to pump water up the hill to our house and then store it in the pressurized tanks in the basement so we have water pressure in the house. Noel comes back upstairs and tells me we have a water leak. I thought he had maybe drilled a little hole in a pipe or something and gave him
Mighty Putty to fix it. Yeah right. When I went down stairs I saw that one whole tank had broken off of its pipe and was laying on the floor. I don't think Mighty Putty would save it. So Noel had to shut off the water. We used the remaining water in the other tank and then we were without. Noel went out that evening and got a part and got the tank hooked back to the pipe, but the tank still lacked pressure. We have no pump so we borrowed the neighbors' bicycle pump, yeah that did not work. We needed an air compressor. Wed. rolls around and Noel has to work. He had to go with barely any shower. He used some of my BedHead to slick down his hair. Nice. Anyway, that evening my folks felt sorry for us and came down early to help us out. When they arrived Wed. evening, Dad pumped up the tank with the air compressor but the water still would not work so they went to the bottom of the hill to check the pump. When they got in the pumphouse they saw that the pump had exploded and water was shooting out of it. Our best guess is that when Noel shut off the water at the tank the pressure built up and blew the pump. So it is too late to get a part for the pump, no water again. Thur. nothing is open to get a part so Noel and Dad go to a family owned grocery store that is above a hardware store owned by the same family. Thank goodness the owner let Noel in the hardware store to get the part. I think he felt sorry for us on Thanksgiving. So they got the part and we had water not long after that. Everything is back to normal and I start cooking for my dinner for 23 peeps on Saturday. Fast forward to Fri. All is going well on Fri. and Mom and I go to Sams and get more food for my dinner. When we get home I continue to prepare. About 8 o'clock, the house goes black. The power is out, and it's not just a flash like sometimes happens. So we get out the oil lamp and candles and wait. Oh yeah, and did I mention that our heat is electric? Our whole house runs on electricity. So about 9 something we went on to bed. Every time through the night Ruby woke me up, though I prayed, there was still no electricity. It is cold in the house at that point and the three of us are snuggled up together. Ruby sucked all the heat out of me and did not even notice it was cold! We woke in the morn with no power and decided to postpone dinner until Sun. Every time we called the power company the time power was supposed to be restored was extended. Finally about 11:15 am we got power back. So Sun. I had my dinner and it was a great time and went off without a hitch. My parents went back to White Sulphur Springs that night and my Dad got pulled over for speeding and hit a deer. After he called to tell us that, to ice the cake, I got a sick stomach and spent some quality time in the bathroom. Hell of a week.
Ruby the morning of no power. She is too cute in her little hat!

PP, Ruby, and Maxwell are worn out from all the work, or was it the turkey?

Ruby and Nannie resting.

Ruby laid back with her Unc. Check the adorable turkey day outfit!