When the doctor came in to give me an epidural, he had a nurse anesthetist in training with him. But since the doctor was in a hurry because he had to go to a small child in the OR he did the epidural himself and wasted no time doing it. I bet he had it done in less than two minutes. Less than two minutes to ease such pain. I call him Dr. Feelgood. The epidural kicked in almost immediately and I was feeling much better. The nice nurse I had agreed to let me see if I could pee in a bedpan instead of getting a catheter. Good news, I could pee on my own, so no catheter! The nurse had me laying flat on my back because she told me the pain medication was positional and if I sat up it would go lower than my abdomen where I needed it. So I'm laying there and watching my contractions on the monitor. The contractions were getting weaker probably because of the epidural. So the nurse called my doctor and she said to start me on a pitocin drip at 4:00 am. So now began the waiting for the pitocin. Noel managed to sleep on the bench in the room. He ripped the padding off of the wall behind the bench (it was velcro) to make the bench wider. He complained a lot too! I tried to sleep but it was hard with a million cords coming out of/ off of me. I had the epidural, the blood pressure cuff, the monitors for the baby, the heart monitor for me, the IV, and an oxygen mask. Oh yeah, I forgot about the oxygen mask and I can't exactly remember what that was for. I did fall asleep for a little bit but when I woke up I had positioned by arm all wrong and the IV was backed up. Dag that smarted. When I couldn't sleep I was lucky that there was Gunsmoke on TVLand--not just one episode either--several! I felt like we were right at home. None the less, I was just biding my time until 4:00 am....

Baby's first tub bath. She was unsure, but isn't that to be expected?
How cute is she in her tub!!!! WOW she's grown so much already!
Your blog always makes me smile. Can't wait to hold her in a couple of days! Love you all.
She is so cute. i agree about the epidural. yes, it helps the pain but with all those tubes coming out of every hole in your body (i was not so lucky with the bedpan) it is pretty hard to "rest"
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