When 4:00 am rolled around, my nurse was helping her other patient deliver so I buzzed the nurses' station and told them I needed my pitocin! My nurse was done shortly and brought it to me. She put it in my IV and the fun was about to begin. I hadn't felt that birth was imminent until then. I had to admit to Noel that I was in fact scared. That was the first time since I arrived at the hospital that I was scared. Drip, drip, drip went the pitocin. At some point when the contractions started getting a good deal stronger, I noticed that pain was shooting through my left labia. I thought, wait a minute here, why am I feeling anything? I let my nurse know what was going on and was informed that I had a hot spot. I think a hot spot is caused when a nerve in the spine is not taking to the medication from the epidural. The pain in my labia was increasing as the contractions were getting stronger. In fact, when the contractions got really strong, I actually had to breathe through the pain in my labia like I learned in child birth class because it hurt pretty bad--but not as bad as without an epidural. The anesthesiologist came back in and gave me a couple more shots for the pain and told me that when you have a hot spot it feels like all of the pain is concentrated in that one little area--no kidding. None the less, time moved on and it was time for my nurse to go home. I hated to see her go because she treated me so well. You know, it's not everyone that would go wet a towel and wipe your a** every time you used a bed pan, get excited about how much you peed, and tell you to "let it rip, tater chip" every time you farted. That takes a very special nurse and we were very blessed to have her. The nurse that replaced mine was as nice as can be too, but I must admit I was a little daunted when I saw how gorgeous she was. Here I am with my legs all up in the air cresting well over 200 lbs., using a bed pan, and just in general looking nasty and I find out my new nurse is a former Miss West Virginia, yep you read right, Miss West Virginia. Well nothing to do about that so moving on, she checks my progress and finds that I am almost adequate (ready to push). My water had not broken yet and she got out the crochet hook for my doctor to break it when she arrived. However, crochet hook not needed because Miss West Virginia accidentally broke it the next time she checked me. The gush of warm liquid was a weird but welcome feeling. It meant we were one step closer....
Ruby and her Poppy, I couldn't decide which one I liked best.

the second one looks like she's telling him a very silly secret!
she's growing up so quickly! already over a month old??? wow! how are you doing? email me!
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