By the time Noel came back I was definitely in labor. When he got back the first thing he wanted to do was finish watching
Gunsmoke. He now says the last two minutes tied the whole show together. Noel says this whole
Gunsmoke thing is not true, but that's how I remember it. After that show, I told him to turn it off and he did. We waited here at the house until the contractions were five minutes a part for two hours. The contractions were really getting strong and actually were coming even closer together and Noel demanded we leave right then. When we got to the hospital at 5:00 pm we went to the labor and delivery floor and told the guard I was in labor. The guard then opened the doors and told me to go to triage. I had to go by myself and that was strange to be in labor and be walking down the hall looking for triage by myself! Triage was full so they went ahead and put me in a birthing room. The nurse assigned to me was all business. Noel was able to come in thirty minutes later. By this time, my contractions were really
ramping up and I thought I must be getting ready to have the baby!
haha! Yeah right! I was only 3 cm dilated!
OMG I couldn't believe it. Luckily nurse Ratchet was off duty at 7:30 pm and the nicest nurse in the world came in and took over. I decided to go walk the halls to help the contractions along and oh boy did that help them along! They were so strong and close together I thought I was going to puke. I was in the hall holding on to Noel's neck on the verge of insanity! Oh, yeah and we had a trash can in case I puked. So I made the decision to go back to the room. We walked around the room instead of the hall. That lasted for a while and then I made the decision to get an epidural....

Our sleeping baby.

Napping with Daddy.
The past two days she has spent much more time awake--believe it or not by looking at these pics!
love reading your birth story and of course love the pictures...
She is so, so pretty! Now that things have calmed down with us, we want to come see her.
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