This is a BabyBjorn carrier I scored from a friend for an awesome price! I think this will be great for carrying a baby around the store and such. For some reason Daddy thinks its only for breast-feeding. Don't ask me why he got that in his head. It's for mommies and daddies both to use!
I would love to know how one would go about breast feeding a baby strapped in that thing upright! Men!
Bjorn is a good thing- we started with a cheaper version and its not so great- Birch lent us his Bjorn and while Oliver fit we loved it.
Oh, come on! I know it's not just for breast-feeding...give me some credit. It's also used for tandem skydiving jumps! What do you think the helmet and goggles are for?
It's like having Leslie Nielsen right here at home.
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