Wednesday, October 8, 2008

An Incident and 2 Dr. Visits

Monday morning I had a Gatorade and a bowl of cereal. A little while later I started shaking and sweating profusely. And this is the weird part, I couldn't stop crying. I sat down and rested for a little bit and then called the doctor. Turns out I had a hypoglycemic incident. The culprit? Gatorade! Apparently, that stuff is FULL of sugar! The shaking, sweating, and crying are all symptoms of hypoglycemia. Shoo, anyway, good to know it wasn't anything serious but I am banned from Gatorade until I am no longer pregnant.

Tuesday morning I went to the dermatologist because I had a really weird looking mole on my chest. The doctor checked out the mole and I failed the ABCDs of moles. Asymmetry-F, Borders-F, Color-F, Diameter-F. She gave me a shot and used a scalpel to take it off right then and there. She sent it away to be examined. I'm glad to have the thing gone!

This morning I went to the baby doctor. I'm sorry to say that I have made no progress. The good news is that the doctor will not let me go anymore than one week past my due date so one way or another Noel and I will have a baby within two weeks!
Here's a picture of our boys for you viewing pleasure!

1 comment:

Katie said...

I never drink Gatorade, but that would be very scary. I'm glad everything is alright. Good luck sticking out this last little bit.