Friday, October 17, 2008


Well I am officially now overdue with a big ol' baby. I will be induced next week if labor doesn't come on naturally. I'm sore as I can be from doing squats and lunges and walking. Even sitting on the birthing ball is making me sore. But really at this point I'll do about anything to have this baby vaginally and avoid a c-section. Make sure to keep checking the blog. Noel has been taught to upload pictures and updates and he wants to do it from the hospital so an update will be up shortly after the birth! Check this picture of me Noel took the other day. Is there any doubt it's time?


Maggie said...

you're looking great! Keep walking and drink plenty of water. That baby will come when she's ready - even if it seems like forever to you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Carrie, Your Dad sent us this site. I have enjoyed every single page!! Is it ok if we forward it on only to Michelle? Ruby is absolutely beautiful. Congratulations to you and Noel. What a miraculous blessing!!
Love ya, Patsy