She is so much fun and we love her so much. Even though I love her more than anything in this world I still manage to fall in love with her more every day.
Here are some pics of our beautiful baby.

This loot was given to me by my parents! Thank goodness for another pack and play and another car seat base! The diaper will also be put to good use! Now, the purse, YAY! Very cool! I love the patch work but would not have spent the money for myself. Anything you love but would not have bought for yourself is a great present I think! It's perfect! They also brought me a birthday cake and Noel and Mom insisted on putting 29 candles on it. Noel burnt his 'ittle finger lighting the candles and we had to hear about that all night ;) I blew out all the candles in one breath but my wish did not come true or I would have had this baby by now! Thanks Mom and Dad!
And finally, though there are no pictures of the gifts my husband got me, I will tell you about them! He got me several pillows for the bed, because I dream of the perfect labor where I can actually spend most of it at home, lounging in my own bed, watching Murder She Wrote. He got me a nice bath pillow, since I'm the queen of baths. He stocked the fridge with drinks and food I can have while in labor at home. He got me a back massager and a back scratcher and the massager has already been put to use! He also got odds and ends that I will need either while in labor or right after I get home! And I cannot forget about the Glider we purchased for when the baby gets here! It's very comfortable and I think will be instrumental in rocking the baby to sleep! Thanks honey for the sweet and considerate gifts!